According to its law number 18 for the year 1998, the Ministry takes on the responsibilities of regulating the industry by type, classifying it, registering it according to an internal regulation, and preparing the programs and studies that work on developing the industry and increasing its competitiveness.
The Ministry also takes on the task of regulating the internal and external trade, monitoring it, and preparing the studies and the agreements that protect the interest of the country and the citizen.
Finally, The Ministry takes upon itself the study of trade and industrial blocs and authorities, Arab and international, recommending to The Council of Ministers ways to deal with them, the feasibility of joining them, and showing their effect on the national economy.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has been known throughout its long history by different names. It was called The Ministry of Trade, The Ministry of Economy and Trade, and The Ministry of National Economy, until it settled on the name, The Ministry of Industry and Trade since 1975 until now.
Constitutional Framework
The ministry works According to its law number 18 for the year 1998.
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