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Morocco \ Legislative System \ The Parliament \ The House of Representatives Easy printable page

Contact Information
The Parliament, Mohammed V Street, Rabat, Morocco
Tel: +21 37679700, 7679600, 7679500
General Description
Members of the House of Representatives shall be elected for a six- year term by direct universal suffrage. The legal legislative period shall end at the opening of the October session in the fifth year following the election of the House.

The number of representatives as well as the voting system, eligibility requirements, incompatibility cases, legal contentions concerning elections shall be set out in an organic law.

The President shall be elected first at the beginning of the legislative period, then at the April session in the third year of the said period and for the remaining portion thereof.

Members of the Board shall be elected for one year; their number shall be in propotion to their respective groups
Constitutional Framework
The House of Representatives is organized according to the 38 article of the constitution
(last updated: 27-October-2005)
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