Member of The National Labour Union, The House of Counsellors(Jamia′ Mua′tasim)
General Description
For 3/5 of its membership, the House of Counsellors shall consist of members elected in each region by electoral colleges made up of elected members of trade chambers as well as members elected at the national level by an electoral college consisting of wage-earners′ representatives.
Members of the House of Counsellors shall be elected for a nine-year term.One third of the House shall be renewed every three years.In the first and second renewal operations, seats shall be drawn by lot. The number of counsellors as well as the voting system, the number of members to be elected by each electoral college, the distibution of seats according to regions, eligibility requirements, incompatibility cases, balotting procedures mentionned above and legal contentions concerning elections shall be set out in an organic law.
The President of the House of Counsellors and members of the Board shall be elected at the October session during each renewal operation in the House. Members of the Board shall be elected in propotion to the size of their respective groups.
Upon the setting up of the first House of Counsellors or upon its election following the dissolution of the preceding House, the President and the members of the Board shall be elected at the beginning of the session which follows the election;they shall seek renewal of their term of office at the beginning of the October session during each renewal operation in the House
Constitutional Framework
House of Counsellors is organized according to article 38 of the constitution
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