The Liberal party does not have a clear and well-defined ideology. It advocates the free market policy, capitalism and privatization. It asserts its attachment to liberties and freedom of speech, expression, opinion and thought.
At its launch, the Liberal was the only opposition party that supported the Camp David Treaty. It called for the establishment of an Islamic state. In 1987, it launched the slogan �Islam is the solution, after it forged a coalition with the Islamist groups. However, later on, the Liberals renounced the Islamic policy. They tried to revive a liberal image urging the abolition of the emergency law and the ban on the formation of political parties and press freedom.
The party also called for the election of the president of the republic by direct ballot and demanded greater power for the People�s Assembly, including its right to withdraw confidence from the Government.
The Liberal party appeared first on the Egyptian political scene in 1975 as the right wing of the Arab Socialist Union (ASU), then the nation�s sole political party. It became a fully-fledged political party in November 1976 on the authority of President Sadat�s decree ordering the dissolution of the ASU. Mostapha Kamel Murad led the newborn party.
At its launch, the party adopted opposition and later forged a coalition with the ruling National Democratic Party that lasted for a few years.
In the late 80�s the Party radically overhauled its policy forming an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Labour Party. This radical reversal of policy led to internal splits and subsequent withdrawal of many of its members.
In August 1998, the party�s founder and leader Mostapha Kamel Murad died leaving the party with its internal splits and power struggle.
As a result of a violent quarrel between some of its members, the Committee of Political Parties ordered the confiscation of its headquarter and the freeze of its activities.
Constitutional Framework
Committee of Party Affairs Shoura Council: law n�. 40 of 1977 regulating the formation of political parties.
Mode of Election
Since Murad�s death in 1998, 11 members of the Party competed for the leadership of the party.
In an attempt to resolve the crisis, most of the contenders for the Chairman post agreed to hold a general conference on the 27th September 2002 to elect a new leader.
Mode of Finance
According to officials, member�s subscriptions and contributions paid by the Shura Council is the source of funding. Additional funds come from its publications such as �Al Ahrar� newspaper.
(last updated: 27-November-2002)
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