Its mission is to promote bustard and falcon conservation and reconcile the trading of Arab falconry with a sustainable use of the resources throughout the bustard and falcons range. This is done through breeding, research, advice, international cooperation and habitat conservation, in order to preserve the natural and cutural heritage and to save species from extinction.
The objectives of NARC are to:
Conduct captive breeding and release programmes for houbara bustard.
Breed in captivity selected species of falcons and to train them for falconry.
Conduct research projects in population ecology, migration, genetics, nutrition, reproduction and health to provide a sound knowledge of falcon and bustard biology.
Increase the scientific understanding of houbara and falcons, both in captivity and in the wild, through extensive research.
Cooperate with government authorities, scientific institutions and research centers, both inside and outside the UAE, on aspects related to houbara, falcons and other conservation matters.
Encourage sustainable methods of falconry.
The National Avian Research Center became fully operational in 93 and so is the longest operational center in the Agency.
The National Avian Research center had started various ptogrammes and projects such as the the Veterinary Science Programme which was found to manage and investigate the health and diseases of bustards held in captive breeding and quarantine centers at Sweihan and Al Ain Zoo. Additionally, veterinary support is provided to a houbara bustard rehabilitation project in Pakistan, to NARC ecologists studying free-living houbara bustards and falcons in the UAE and Central Asia, as well as to other Agency biologists studying indigenous terrestrial and marine fauna. In 1998, the Programme was expanded to provide a clinical service to falconry birds in the UAE and to initiate research projects to improve their health.
Also, the Houbara genetics programme was set up allowing DNA extraction, DNA quantification, DNA-PCR analysis, DNA electrophoresis and photography of samples to be conducted in the genetics laboratory at Sweihan Research Station in 1998.
Other programmes includeCreation of New Falcon Hospital ,
Houbara Population Monitoring in Abu, Dhabi and Central Asia,
Expedition to China,
Studying Houbara in Oman,
Houbara Rehabilitation,
Houbara Genetics,and
Falcon Management and Research.
(last updated: 28-May-2009)
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