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Morocco \ Government \ Council of Ministers \ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation \ Minister Delegate to Foreign Affairs and Co-operation in charge of Moroccans living abroad Easy printable page

Her Excellency Mrs. Nouzha Chekrouni

Her Excellency Mrs. Nouzha Chekrouni
Date of Birth03-October-1955
City of BirthMeknes  Morocco
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation :Minister Delegate to Foreign Affairs and Co-operation in charge of Moroccans living abroad
The House of Representatives :Member of The House of Representatives
Socialist Union of Popular Forces USFP :Member of The Political Bureau of The Socialist Union of Popular Forces
Socialist Group, The House of Representatives :Member of Socialist Group, The House of Representatives
Socialist Union of Popular Forces USFP :Member of The Socialist Union of Popular Forces
1978 Bachelor of Arts in Modern Literature, Faculty of letters - Fes  (Morocco)
1979 Postgraduate Certificate (D.E.A.), Sorbonne Nouvelle � Paris  (Morocco)
1983 Master of Arts in linguistics, Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris  (Morocco)
PhD in linguistics at Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III  (Morocco)
Past Occupation
1986 1990 Head of the Department of French Language and Literature. Meknes  (Morocco)
1998 Secretary of State to the Minister of Social development and Employment incharged of Hanicaped  (Morocco)
2000 Secretary of State to the Ministery of Social Development, solidarity Employment and Professional Training, incharged of the Women Status  (Morocco)
Current Occupation
2001 Member of the Political Bureau of the U.S.F.P Party (Socialist Union of popular Forces)  (Morocco)
University Professor  (Morocco)
2002 Member of Socialist Group, House of Representatives  (Morocco)
2002 Elected on the National level Representing Socialist Union  (Morocco)
2002 Elected as a Member of The House of Representatives  (Morocco)
2002 Minister Delegate to Foreign Affairs and Co-operation in charge of Moroccans living abroad  (Morocco)
(last updated: 02-March-2005)

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