The MECC is a meeting-place for the indigenous churches of the region, a facilitator of their common response to common needs. It encourages and supports relationships between its member churches in an ecclesiastically sensitive manner, adhering to the historical confessions of the united Church, the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, to which all its members subscribe. Its family structure emphasizes consensus and participation in community. Larger and smaller families each have equal opportunity to have their voices heard in its deliberations, and no one perspective is permitted to eclipse any other. The decision-making process of the MECC is sensitive to the various church traditions represented.
As far as possible, the Middle East Council’s program initiatives complement ministries which its members already fulfill. And over the years these programs have sifted out into three program units: Faith and Unity, Education and Renewal, and Life and Service. The General Secretariat focuses these activities and augments them. Administration, finance and communications departments in the Council enable, strengthen, rationalize and publicize the work.
The constitutionally regularized decision-making and program-implementation processes begin with the Council’s General Assembly. This ninety-six member body, an effective instrument of the member churches, meets once every four years, it reviews and assesses what has been done, and it gives the general mandate for what is to happen through the next four years. In the interim it gives authority to the Executive Committee to carry on. The Assembly-appointed General Secretary and three Associates form an administrative General Secretariat which regularly reports to the Council’s four Presidents and to the Executive Committee.
(last updated: 22-August-2003)
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