Amman, Abdali, opposite the parliament.
P.O.Box 84545 Amman
962 079 524708
962 6 553 8614
General Description
The Party Political Orientations:
The National Level:
- Developing the political system in a manner that complies the basic principles stated in the National Charter, in addition to supporting the seoeration of the three powers.
- Safeguarding the independence of national decision and securing the right of citizens to a decent life.
The Palestinian question Level:
- Backing the stuggle of the Palestinian people for the right to self determination and ensuring complete Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian territories.
- Supporting and safeguarding Jordanian-Palestinian relations.
Arab Level:
- Resisting the projects and plans that aimed at partitioning the Arab world ,through fostering relations with political and professional associations forces.
World Level:
- Fostering relations with all progressive forces and anti-imperialist movements
-Furthering forms of economic, academic, cultural and technical cooperation.
The party was established in 20/07/1994
(last updated: 26-May-2003)
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