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Jordan \ Unions & Professional Associations \ Jordan Pharmaceutical Association Easy printable page

  • Jordan Pharmaceutical Association
    • President of Jordan Pharmaceutical Association    (Tahir  Shakhshir)
    • Vice President of Jordan Pharmaceutical Association    
Contact Information
Professional Associations Center, Shmaisani, Amman P.O.Box 1124 Amman, Jordan
Tel: 962 6 566 5320
Fax: 962 6 560 4860
General Description
Aims of the Association :
1/ Safeguard the interests of the profession and the protection, defence and organization of these interests.
2/Cooperate with the Ministry of Health and all the concerned agencies and institutions in order to upgrade the pharmaceutical and medical services, and offer them to the public.
3/Keep the pharmacists united, and safeguard their rights and dignity.
4/Observe the profession ethics.
5/Encourage scientific research in general, and in the field of pharmaceutics in particular.
6/ Guarantee a decent life to pharmacists and their families in cases of poverty and old age.
The Association was founded in 1957
Constitutional Framework
The Association functioning in accordance with the Pharmaceutical AssociationLaw N� 51 for the year 1972. In its dealing with the executive branch , the association is attached to the Ministry of Health.
(last updated: 05-November-2003)

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