Deputy Secretary General of The Green Party of Jordan(Raji Dakhil)
Administrative and Financial affairs Secretary of The Green Party of Jordan(Jihad Abdel Majeed)
Contact Information
Tour Building, Jabal Amman
P.O.Box 1690 Amman 11118 Jordan
962 6 412 0330
962 6 475 3825
General Description
Main principles of the party:
- The party believe that the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is an independent state and integral part of the Arab world.
- The party believe on democracy, multi-party system, human rights, freedom of speechand expression while, in the same time , the party codemn all forms of terrorism.
-The party claim the realization of goals through peaceful means and compliance at all time with the constitution and laws of Jordan.
- To pay more attention to all environmental issues .
- To co-operate with all other organizations, national or international , that have the same interests.
- To study and analyze the environmental situation.
The party was founded in 1/10/2000
(last updated: 14-November-2002)
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