Member of the political Bureau of The Nation Party (Al Ummah)(4 Cv′s available)
Contact Information
Zarqa, King Talal Street,
P.O.Box 177 Zarqa
962 9 903400
General Description
The political orientations of the party:
- Jordan is an inseparable part of the Arab nation it impacts on and is affected by it, so the party try to build a democratic Arab Jordan which should enable it to attain the position whereby it achieves its historical role within the Arab nation.
- The development of the special relations between Jordan and Palestine
-Work towards the reunification of the East Bank and the West Bankof Jordan as a nucleus of a more comprehensive Arab Unity.
-The development of relations , intensification of dialogue and activation of cooperation between Arab States
The party was founded in June 25, 1996
(last updated: 12-November-2002)
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