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Jordan \ Government \ Council of Ministers \ Ministry of Interior \ Public Security Department \ Tourist Police Department Easy printable page

  • Tourist Police Department
    • Director of Tourist Police Department    
General Description
Duties of The Department are
1-Overseeing all sorts of touristic activities in the kingdom.
2-Managing the security of tourists.
3-Maintaining the security of tourist sites and preventing offences against them.
4-Drawing adequate security plans to protect the tourist sector.
5-Coordinating security arrangements and escort services provided to tourists.
6-Coordinating with Ministry of Tourism on the implementation of the above duties
�In 1958, a group of policemen known as "Religions′ Police" were assigned to guide tourists and pilgrims.
�The tourist police unit was established in 1967, and was located at the Tourists′ Authority in Amman. This unit was later to become a section of PSD′s Department of Operations which was located at the Ministry of Tourism.

�In 1990, responsibilities of the tourist police were shifted from the Department of Operations to the Preventive Security Office.
� A new and independent Tourist Police Department was later established in 1994.
(last updated: 10-June-2003)

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