Morocco \ Judicial System \ Specialized Courts \ Trade Courts
General Description
The Trade Courts rule in Cases between tradesmen, involving commercial activities ;
Cases related to trade effects ;
Disputes between associates of a trade company ;
Disputes related to business.
Article 6 of the law stipulates : "trade courts are competent to judge, on first and last instances, cases that do not exceed 9,000 Dh in value and in the first instance all requests that exceed this value.
Like other jurisdictions, trade courts comprise several magistrates, including a president and vice-presidents, judges, a public prosecutor, clerk′s office and a secretariat of the public prosecutor.
Constitutional Framework
On January 6, 1997, the House of Representatives adopted the law N.53-95 setting up trade jurisdictions. The law was enacted by Dahir N.1-95-75 of February 12, 1997. The enforcement Decree was published on the official gazette on November 6, 1997
(last updated: 16-October-2004)
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