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Morocco \ Government \ Council of Ministers \ Ministry of Foreign Trade Easy printable page

Contact Information
63 Mawlai Youssif Street Rabat 10000
Tel: 00212 37 73 56 37 / 37 70 62 49
Fax: 00212 37 73 51 43
General Description
The Ministry is in charge of:
Elaborating legislative and statutory draft texts related to foreign trade, especially those susceptible to stimulate trade expansion abroad;

Coordinating and implementing the government′s policy in economic protection and the quota policy of the national production, notably as far as protecting the agricultural sector′s products is concerned

Coordinating public bodies′ actions in terms of promoting foreign trade and supporting private firms′ actions whenever need be;

Contributing to the preparation and running of regional multilateral or bilateral international trade and economic negotiations. To this end, it contributes, along with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the coordination of the Kingdom′s stand in these negotiations;

Make sure the obligatory norms and other technical measures applied to imports and exports do not conflict with international regulations and disciplines.
(last updated: 14-December-2005)

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