ECHR is a non governmental organization specialized in claming for, and defending the right to adequate housing, particularly for the weakest strata of the society. For, it is one of the essential rights that sustain human dignity and security.
The ECHR′s adopted definition of Housing Rights:
"having adequate privacy, adequate space, adequate safety, adequate electricity, airing and all the essential amenities, adequate distance between the residence and the working place, and having all these factors available for affordable prices".
The ECHR′s goals and objectives:
1. Putting an end to all the forced evacuation processes.
2. Claiming compensations and/or offering alternatives to the people harmed from such the forced evacuation processes.
3. Arranging campaigns in order to create a public awarness to sustain housing rights.
4. Establishing a network between all the parties concerned with the housing rights programs.
5. Working to increase people′s awareness (victims) towards their Housing rights.
6. Claiming for homage for the weakest strata of the community, specially the poor, the children and the disabled.
(last updated: 04-September-2003)
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