The first workers syndicate, its first assembly was represented by the Electricity and Gas Union in 1919 under the leadership of Sourour Bakhit Al Khashef. In 1920, the Electricity and Gas Workers Union was established in Alexandria, and in the same year, Cairo Water Company Workers Union was also founded. At a meeting held at the Syndicate’s headquarters on 2/10/1927 to discuss the formation of a general union for all syndicates, the government- who had had them under surveillance-caught a large number of the unionist movement leaders. This was a setback to the unionist movement that compelled its leaderships to work underground for several years. After the issue of a law that recognized workers unions in 1942, the Union came back into sight with the Electricity and Gas Union as number 2 in the Union organizing record at the time. In 1964, all unions that work in the field of electricity, gas, sanitation, water, and building were joined together in one union, which is the General Union for Workers in Public Utilities.
(last updated: 14-November-2002)
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