Establishment of the Syndicate and its aims:
A syndicate called the Syndicate of engineers should be established. It should enjoy a distinctive character, and be considered as the representative body of all engineers in possession of the Egyptian nationality, and a consultative body for the government within the field of its specialization. Its main headquarter should be in Cairo, with branches in the other provinces according to the terms of this law.
A. Its aims:
1. To develop the scientific and professional level of engineers, and maintain the dignity of the profession, as well as setting up and implementing the rules that would organize the practice of the profession. Syndicate members should perform their duties in serving the country and monitoring the execution of such rules.
2. The mobilization of the labor forces of the Syndicate and the organization of their efforts in serving the society, in order to achieve the national goals and those of development.
3. The promotion of the spirit of brotherhood and cooperation between Syndicate members, as well as trying to raise their social, financial, and engineering level, in addition to securing their lives, and attending to the social, economic, cultural and health needs of their families.
B. The documents required for the registration procedures:
1. A University degree.
2. A copy of the identity card.
3. 2 photographs 4×6
4. To obtain a free file from the department specialized or the nearest Syndicate branch, with the registration application attached, as well as some papers. The required data should be filled by the engineer, along with the documents mentioned above, and then it should be presented to the department in order to obtain a payment receipt for the treasury.
C. Foreign qualifications:
1. The original university degree certified by the Egyptian foreign ministry, and a copy of it.
2. Equivalence of the university degree from the Higher Council of universities.
3. The Egyptian baccalaureate degree or an equivalent of it.
4. A copy of the identity card.
5. Obtainment of a registration application from the department specialized (for free).
6. A payment receipt of 100 Egyptian pounds should be obtained from the department.
20 cents for a receipt stamp
40 cents for a treasury stamp
In exchange for an application examination fee that is not returned in case of refusal. If accepted the sum will be considered as a registration fee.
7. The entire application file is returned to the department and reviewed by the department board. If approved, the file will be referred to the registration and equivalence committee for certification.
Concerning the registration of our Arab brothers,
The same procedures apply on condition of an even treatment with the exception of the following:
1. The membership card fee is 2 pounds (only 2 pounds).
2. The candidate for the membership should acknowledge a decision that prevents him from claiming a syndicate salary.
3. Respecting the period of the residence permit figuring on the passport when completing the registration.
Registration fee and subscription sections
Article 54 of law no 58 of the year 1980 stipulates that every member registered in the Syndicate should pay its treasury before the end of the month of December of every year:
6 pounds for those who have been graduated for 10 to 15 years.
12 pounds for those who have been graduated for more than 15 years, up to 2à years.
15 pounds for those who have been graduated for more than 20 years, up to 25 years.
18 pounds for those who have been graduated for more than 25 years.
The registration demander will abide by the subscription fee from the year of his graduation to the date of the registration.
The second article of law no 204 of the year 1980 that amends some of the terms of law no 66 of the year 1974, concerning the Syndicate of Engineers,
stipulates that a new paragraph should be added to article no 54 of the latter law stating “that every registered member of the Syndicate should pay its treasury an additional subscription fee, amounting to 60 pounds for every year of foreign transference or contracts for working abroad. The rules of the subscription fee are also applicable to this fee.
The Syndicate Council:
It is composed of 68 members divided as follows:
Head of engineers
11 completing members
7 heads of departments
26 representatives of departments in the Council.
23 heads of Syndicate branches
Functions of the Syndicate Council
1. To work for the achievement of the Syndicate’s goals, as well as creating means for their implementation and pursuing them.
2. Preparing and proposing the Syndicate’s internal structure as well as lists of profession practicing and salaries, in addition to the monitoring of their execution.
3. Monitoring the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly and its recommendations.
4. Collecting registration fees and subscriptions, and settling exemption demands.
5. Managing and investing the Syndicate’s capital, as well as handling the salary and aid fund, in addition to accepting gifts, donations, and aid, and supervising the Syndicate’s account.
6. Preparing the Syndicate’s annual budget project and its closing account.
7. Coordinating the relation between the Syndicate’s board and the People’s Assembly, as well as the branches, and protesting the decisions of the councils of these branches, that contradict their laws or internal structures, or that disagree with the Syndicate’s general policy.
8. Settling amicably any dispute between members of the Syndicate, or between them and employers for professional causes.
9. Looking into complaints relating to members’ behaviors.
10. Examining suggestions presented by members of the Syndicate.
11. Defending the interests of members and working to raise the level of the profession.
12. Communicating with governmental authorities, as well as public institutions and bodies.
The Bureau Board
It is composed of seven members with the following hierarchy:
Head of engineers
First Deputy of Syndicate
Second Deputy of Syndicate
Secretary General of Syndicate
Assistant Secretary General of Syndicate
Treasurer of Syndicate
Assistant Treasurer of Syndicate
These all, excepting the head of engineers, are elected by the Higher Council in his first meeting that follows the elections.
Functions of the Bureau Board:
1. Its expenditure allowance limit is 50000 pounds; everything that exceeds this limit is within the competences of the Syndicate Council.
2. Adopting the minutes of the People’s Assembly meetings.
3. Adopting the memorandums, suggestions, and requests that are put forward by the engineers, and issuing the proper decisions relating to such matters.
4. The Bureau Board has the right to communicate with all boards and authorities, as well as the committees’ secretariats. It also implements the decisions of the Syndicate Council. |