The company was established in 1967. It is considered a leading company in the field of metal construction works , its annual production ins 30,000 tons per year. The company is well equipped with ultra modern technology of machines using computerized numerical control (CNC) machine in the following fields of production. (a) CNC line for cutting, drilling, punching, numberinf of profiles and angles (b) CNC machines for cutting and drilling of plates (c) CNC line of production of built up sections from plate oil of depth ranging from 200 mm up to 2000 mm The company is about to complete its final steps to be registered to the ISO 9001 by the technical support of the Lloyds register of England, It is expected to have the certificate of ISO 9001 at the begining of 1997. The company executes as a subcontractor to Dorman Long England Steel structure of the Military tank factory 200. Total number of employees is 3500 employee.The company has agents in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Morocco.
Constitutional Framework
Joint Stock company Subisdiary of the Holding of Metallic Industries
Mode of Finance
Paid Up Capital 10 MLE
(last updated: 04-April-2003)
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