The company was established in 1956 with the purpose of producing nitrogenous manure for the Southern Valley by using Elector-Hydraulic power generated by the Aswan Dam.The company started producing in 1960 with a production capacity of (600 tons ammonia)day) then in 1967 a factory was built to produce ferro-silicon with a production capacity of 7000 tons/year (an input in the production of iron and steel) . The main factories of the company are the fertilizer and ferrosilicon factories which are located in Aswan. The total number of employees is 2268 employee. The company′s total production capacity is 270,000 tons/year fertilizer 33.5%N, 7000 tons/year ferrosilicon 65-75% SI.
Founded in 1956
Constitutional Framework
Government owned enterprises under Law 203
Mode of Finance
Paid Up Capital 16 MLE
No. of Shares 8 millions
(last updated: 23-August-2003)
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