Beside the fresh yeast, which is the main product, the following types are produced:
- Active dry yeast for bakery
-Dry yeast for medicinal purposes
- Fodder dry yeast for poultry and cattle
-Dry yeast to act as pesticide
- A special type of dry yeast to feed honey bees
The yeast industry was first introduced into Egypt in 1927 by a greek private sector namely
( Fini corporation ).
Until 1961 the amount of yeast didn’t exceed 12 tons a day, but when the yeast plant was nationalized by the government in 1962 the amount produced was increased gradually to reach 45 tons daily. This amount comprises 60% of the customer needs in Egypt
Mode of Finance
Paid Up Capital 34,5 MLE
(last updated: 02-March-2003)
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