The Association was established to cope with the overall economic development in the UAE; particularly in the field of commerce & industry which is manifested in the issuance of all economic legislations such as Business Law, Central Bank & Commercial Banks Act, Insurance Companies Law & Law Business Transactions. As well as many medium-income UAE nationals are becoming aware of how to invest their savings and the establishment of public joint stock companies, which offer their shares for pubic subscription and finally the introduction of the Federal Law No.22 for the 1995 regarding Organization of Auditors profession.
As a result of the development in accounting and auditing profession and the introduction of obligatory standards on the practitioners of all business entities and professional associations. And as there is a trend of implementing the international standards to keep pace with developed world. And as there was no independent body or association to cater for the affairs of the profession.
As an elite of UAE youth have become aware of their role to drive the national effort and to participate in the development of the process of economic growth and to enhance the performance in the profession of accounting and auditing in UAE.
In view of all these considerations, this group has drafted the statutes of this association and has it approved by the concerned government authorities and accordingly the association was registered as one of the public association vide H.E.Minister of Labour and Social Affairs decision No.227 for the year 1997. The Board of Directors is pleased to congratulate nationals, officials, professionals and all the concerned parties on the registration of the association hoping that they will soon join the association to contribute in it and participate effectively in its activities and its technical and scientific committees.
(last updated: 21-December-2005)
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