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UAE \ Job Creators Groups: Chambers Of Commerce And Industry, etc \ Federation of UAE Chamber of Commerce and Industry \ Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry \ Board of Directors DCCI Easy printable page

General Description
The Board is the authority assigned to supervise the Chamber’s activities and manage its affairs. It undertakes the measures and makes the decisions that it may deem appropriate for the fulfillment of the Chamber’s objectives.
The Board’s functions includes in particular the following:
1. Planning the Chamber’s general Policy, adopting the programmes and activities within it’s jurisdiction, and orienting the same in accordance with the requirements of the economic development and the country’s needs.
2. Proposing draft laws and decrees related to the Chamber and its affairs and functions.
3. Adopting the Chamber’s annual budget and its final statements of accounts for the last financial year.
4. Approving the receipt or grant of endowments and donations, and approving loan contracts.
5. Approving the conclusion of agreements and contracts of cooperation with other chambers, associations or bodies in domains of matters of interest to the Chamber.
6. Organizing outgoing trade delegations and missions as well as promotional tours aiming to consolidate the Emirate’s foreign trade relations or to promote its economy and to introduce the investment opportunities available in the Emirate.
7. Sending employees of the Chamber on education missions abroad for specialized or post graduate studies.
8. Issuing the Executive Regulations, other by-laws, decisions, and instructions regulating the Chamber’s administrative, financial and organizational affairs.
9. Expressing its opinion regarding the issue referred to the Board by the Ruler or any of the governmental institutions or bodies.
The Board meets regularly at least once every three months upon the invitation is sent to the members ten days prior to the date of the meeting. In urgent cases as determined by the President of the Board, the Board may be convoked only three days prior to the date assigned for the meeting.
Also, the Board may be convoked upon the request of the Board’s Executive Bureau. The Board may – in exceptional cases - be convoked upon a written request signed by at least six members.
The Board’s meetings shall be valid if attended by more than two thirds of the members, including the presidents. If the quorum is not established, within a maximum period of one week from the first assigned date. The second meeting will be valid if attended by at least half of the members.
The Board’s decision are made by the majority of the votes present at the meeting. The President has a casting vote in the case of equal votes.
Constitutional Framework
In Chapter three of the Law No. 8 of the year 1997 on the Organisation of the
Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the functions of theDCCI Board of Directors were specified within the context of the Chambe′s organizational structure(Articles13 to 18).
Mode of Election
The Board of Directors consists of a maximum of twenty six members to be appointed by a decree issued by the Ruler and chosen among competent and experienced people.The term of the Board’s membership is a renewable three-years term.
A person appointed to be a member of the chamber’s Board of Directors must fulfill the following criteria:

1. Be a united Arab Emirates National.

2. Practise a commercial, industrial, agricultural or vocational activity or any related service in the Emirate for at least eight consecutive years, or at least five consecutive years if he has an academic degree form university or a high institute.

3. Have not ever been convicted of a felony or any crime contradicting with honour and honesty. Have not declared bankruptcy unless rehabilitated.

4. Be a member of the Chamber during the period indicated in paragraph “2” above.

5. Be at least thirty-five years old, or twenty-eight years old if he holds a university or a high institute degree.

However, the Ruler may appoint one third of the Board’s members without being bound by the above criteria.

(last updated: 05-November-2002)

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