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UAE \ Legislative System \ Federal National Council \ Council′s Office Easy printable page

General Description
The Committee of the Council�s Office is responsible for:
- Deciding upon the objections on the minutes referred to it by the FNC
- Carrying out the ballot, counting votes and other duties during the convening of the FNC with respect to the annual budget and final account based on the referral of the president before presenting it to the FNC for approval
- Choosing the delegations nominated be the president to represent the FNC internally and externally. After that, the Committee presents the matter of choosing the delegations to the FNC
- Practicing temporarily the FNC�s administrative specialties (upon the president�s request) during the intervals of the Couuncil�s sessions until the Council convenes to execute the recommendations and present its report.
- Suggesting regulations pertaining to the members of the FNC and other issues delegated to it by the constitution, the internal regulation of the FNC and the president of the FNC if he decides to consult with the Committee upon a certain matter.
Mode of Election
The members of the Committee of the Council�s Office are elected or their number completed by the FNC after the opening of its session. The FNC can not discuss the matters assigned on the agenda before electing the Committee.
Nominations are submitted to the president of the FNC who announces it to the Council in order for the elections to take place according to a secret ballot as it is stated in article 25 of the FNC�s Internal Regulation.

(last updated: 10-June-2002)

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