The Islamic Fiqh Syllabus is one of the prerequisites of study in Dubai Medical/Pharmacy College.
One hour per week through all the years of the course is to be devoted to its study. It includes:-
The Faith:
Deep understanding of the essence of servitude (������) towards Allah.
Relationship between real life and the meaning flowing from one�s understanding of the real meaning of servitude to Allah.
Laws of Shariah concerning Economy, Politics and Social Affairs:-
Realization that the essence of servitude to Allah lies in allowing what Allah has made lawful (halal) and forbidding what Allah has made unlawful (haram)
Knowledge of important commandments of Islam regarding political affairs.
Knowledge of important Islamic injunctions regarding financial matters.
Knowledge of important Islamic teachings laws concerning the responsibilities of persons working in medical and pharmaceutical professions.
Position of Shariah in respect of contemporary problems, e.g. transplantation of body organs, cloning, plantation of embryo, clinical death, etc.
Knowledge of human soul (conscience or psyche) as spelled out by Allah in the Qur�an.
Knowledge of the exemplary character of some of the personalities that became proverbial for their adherence to Faith and Islamic values.
(last updated: 20-August-2002)
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