The mission of the College of Information Technology (CIT) is to prepare students to enter the IT profession or to pursue advanced graduate study with specialty in the areas of Computer Systems Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, Software Engineering, Telecommunication and Network Engineering, Information Security, and Electronic Commerce. The primary goal of the IT College is to graduate students who have completed four years of training that includes practical experience and professional competency leading to the IT baccalaureate degree in one of seven areas of specialization or a certificate in Educational Technology. All degree programs curriculums are designed to be consistent with the principles of the new ACM/IEEE Curriculum 2001. The curriculum is designed by the most distinguished IT experts and will be among the best and most advanced IT curriculum anywhere in the world
Program Educational Objectives
Prepare students for successful and productive careers as IT professionals in industry and government.
Prepare students for the successful pursuit of graduate studies and commitment to life-long learning.
Prepare students to use their education to address the needs of society with a Sense of professionalism.
Prepare students to have the knowledge and skills to adapt to a dynamic Multidisciplinary technological environment through teamwork, ethical concerns, And effective communications
In Spring 2000, the Chancellor of the University of the United Arab Emirates decided to form a College of IT. Because there are very few IT colleges, there is no set of community standards for the curriculum and management of such an entity. His emissaries called together representatives of several organized IT and Computing colleges in the USA to find out what is involved and what are the best practices. He commissioned a group of experts well versed in the above trends to design a model curriculum for their newly formed College. The committee designed and recommended a model with many innovations including the common IT core and the progressive-competence exhibitions. The model curriculum is purposely designed to help not only the UAEU but also any other university to organize a coherent IT curriculum in a single academic unit. Eight-degree programs and a catalog of 135 courses were created and recommended for the new College of Information Technology.
(last updated: 20-June-2009)
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