Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO), is a pioneering oil and gas producer whose operations date back to the 1950’s, and are centred in the offshore areas of Abu Dhabi. Oil and gas production comes from two major fields – Umm Shaif and Zakum. The crude is collected from these fields using giant steel structures called supercomplexes, and then transferred to Das Island, a nearby industrial base, for processing, storing and world export.
The first oil discovery in Abu Dhabi was made in 1958 in Umm Shaif and the first oil shipment exported from Abu Dhabi to the world market came out on July 4th, 1962 from the same field.
Over the years, the Company adopted the latest in drilling techniques and technologies, starting with vertical, then deviated and ultimately horizontal drilling. The advancement in drilling is necessitated by the need to optimise oil and gas production.
(last updated: 30-May-2008)
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