Saudi Arabia \ Government \ Council of Ministers \ Ministry of Economy and Planning \ Central Department of Statistics and Information \ National Computer Center (NCC)
General Description
The National Computer Center (NCC) is responsible for processing all Statistical surveys and census which the Central Department of Statistics undertakes, starting from data entry until final output. It also provides computer services to different bodies pertaining the center through telephone lines. The NCC includes several major departments and units, which are:
1-The Computer Operations Department: It carries out the task of hardware operations and keeping and maintaining the information and data and it also carries out the computer operation orders according to the work requirements.
2-The System Programming Department:
It develops the future plans relevant to the hardware and software and it also conducts the necessary technical studies to keep with the fast growth in the computer field.
3-Application Programs Department:
It develops and executes the works and programs of the Central Department of Statistics and operates them automatically. It also develops the systems which meet the Statistical and information needs.
4-The Users Support Department:
It assists the governmental agencies and provides them with technical support according to the available capabilities. The number of these agencies are (37) .
The NCC also includes other units such as the women′s department, data base departments, and security and emergency units.
(last updated: 06-November-2002)
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