The Presidency aims at:
- The improvement of safety, health, and human welfare of the citizens of the Kingdom, by the provision of services in meteorology, climatology, and environmental protection.
- The development and production of environmental policies, in participation with relevant vestment, and provide for the management, investment, and application of national natural resources for the welfare of Saudi community.
- The improvement of MEPA programs by raising the standers of production, accuracy, ornamental services, and by establishing the most up-to-date laboratories, maintenance workshops, computer facilities, and regional centers.
- The growth of public awareness of the citizen concerning the importance of environmental affairs and the natural heritages of the countryside and seas, and of developing his understanding of the necessity of his personal participation in their protection. This to be carried out through media services and by incorporation into school and university curricula of the purposes and benefits of environmental protection.
- The improvement of citizens participation in MEPA’s Activities, by supporting staff on long-term studies in Kingdom and in other countries, and by encouraging researches and other studies in universities and research institutes.
- The provision of meteorological, climatological, and environmental supports to the development and planning of major project and national economic affairs by establishing relevant data-banks.
- The increase of efficiency and effectiveness of meteorological and environmental programs with Kingdom by the participation in regional activities, through the GCC and other regional authorities and agencies; the encouragement of the development of technical capabilities for meteorological and environmental aspects and activity within public and private sectors of the Kingdom; and support of academic establishments and research centers generally with realize the widest possible participation in executing all programs or project in environmental protection and preservation to which the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed under international agreements and associations, etc., and in accord with development of the private sector in national affairs.