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Qatar \ Government \ Council of Ministers \ Ministry of Foreign Affairs \ Control and Audit Office Easy printable page

Contact Information
Tel: +974 4334290
Fax: +974 4320775
General Description

Control and Audit Office performs the following functions:

1-To monitor accounts of the MOFA′s departments at its headquarters as well as those of diplomatic and consular missions and representative offices abroad by means of inspecting and auditing documents, books, records of incomings, accrued revenues and general expenditures and verify that financial transactions and items in the ledger relating to them are carried out in accordance with the law and financial, accounting rules and regulations applied to the State Budget.
2-To identify cases of financial and administrative negligence, violations, oversets and investigate causes of such cases and propose means to address them.
3-To review consular incomings and carry out the necessary inventory of cash, consular stamps and any other external papers with money value and verify that they correspond to entries and records.
(last updated: 01-December-2009)

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