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Jordan \ Legislative System \ House of The Nation (Majlis Al Umma) \ National Assembly(Parliament-Majlis Al Nuwab) \ Member of The Parliament Easy printable page

His Excellency Mr. Mahmood Awad Ismail Kharabsheh

His Excellency Mr. Mahmood Awad Ismail Kharabsheh
Date of Birth1950
City of BirthSalt  Jordan
Tel962 6 515 7880
Secondary AdressHouse N� 8, Kharabsheh area, Sport City - P.O.Box 961239 Amman
Secondary Tel962
National Assembly(Parliament-Majlis Al Nuwab) :Member of The Parliament
Committee Jordan First :Member of the Committee Jordan First
Legal Committee of the National Assembly :Speaker of The Legal Committee of the National Assembly
National Orientation Committee of the National Assembly :Member of The National Orientation Committee of the National Assembly
Licence , Law, Arab University of Beirut  (Lebanon)
1973 B.Sc. of Public Administration and Political Science, University of Jordan  (Jordan)
Past Occupation
1974 1992 Employee, General Intelligence Directorate  (Jordan)
1992 1993 Director, Paper and Cardboard Factories Company  (Jordan)
1994 Attorney- At -Law  (Jordan)
18/6 2007 Elected deputy in the 14th Parliament for the first district Balqa Governorate  (Jordan)
4/11 2001 Elected as a member of The 13th Parliament for Balqa Governorate , Muslim, Independent, Centrist  (Jordan)
Current Occupation
2007 Elected deputy in the 15th Parliament for the first district Balqa Governorate  (Jordan)
(last updated: 20-December-2007)

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