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Dr. Farouq Abdel Baki Al Okda

Dr. Farouq Abdel Baki Al Okda
Date of Birth1943
City of BirthDokohliya Governorate  Egypt
Central Bank of Egypt :Governor Central Bank of Egypt
National Bank of Egypt :member of the board of the NBE
Egypt Air Holding :Member of the Board Egypt Air Holding
1965 Faculty of Commerce Ain Shams University  (Egypt)
1980 Master from Pensilvania University  (USA)
1983 PhD Pensilvannia University on Egyptian Economy  (USA)
Past Occupation
1973 1973 Participated to October War as soldier  (Egypt)
1974 1976 Left the Army and Joined as Assistant Professor Cairo University  (Egypt)
1984 1986 Vice Chairman and Director of Middle East region Bank of New York  (Egypt)
1984 1986 Bank of New York  (USA)
1986 1989 Member of the Board Union of Arab Bankers  (USA)
1998 2001 Advisor to the Governor of the Centrla Bank of Egypt  (Egypt)
2002 2003 Member of the Board of NBE  (Egypt)
2003 2004 Chairman of the Board NBE  (Egypt)
Current Occupation
1998 Member of the Board Egypt Air  (Egypt)
2004 Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt  (Egypt)
(last updated: 02-February-2004)

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